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Easy modified and operated | Drag and drop | Music | Boxes and Frames | Videos | Buttons | Pictures |
Forms |
"Dream ,explore and create progressive digital experiences"
Wix for teaching
Wix as a web 2.0 tool that allows to create interactive and attractive contents of specific topics, this platform is interactive and dynamic, allow update the contents, active users, share information, promote collaborative learning and others. In Wix teachers can use hyperlinks enable non sequential navigation, they can link videos or others web page to develop the content. Wix supports assessment and contains a meaningful amount of appliances as pictures, templates, frames, forms, buttons, boxes, music, menus and lists to create contents and learning environments, also Wix allow to create Blogs, and finally It offer the format to smartphones.
Importance of Wix
Wix allows you to create professional web sites in which you can share any kind of formats contents, Wix fulfill the principal ideas of Web 2.0 tools and these are: interactive and dynamic contents, and teaching focus in the learner’s needs, so teachers that use this tool can customize the knowledge and to motivate learning using meaningful and current contents, promoting collaborative tasks and projects. Other useful of Wix is that is easy modified and easy operated so the learners can create their proper web pages and contents working individual or collaborative projects.
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